Somerset Guardian and Radstock Observer from Radstock, Avon, England (2024)

JARRIAGE REGISTER CASE. I re ESTFIELD PEOPLE INDICTED. ACA)UIi ED ACQUIT lED At Bristol Assize, hi the Clown Court, before Ur. Justice T. X.

antekuilt, Oil tt oty. Corned iderick Ashman and k'iorence helina Ashman, wee 01 a14141140a, 011 bait, re indieteu couspuing togetoet un.awluliy male cerlinti ialse woes.aLCto we nee. Le Lacy 3.7, and tor causing sod peliodning thent ue entered in the tonne, ot Cnnet at arch, Barton kfin, Bristol. The tare wits that toe woman ices um Catalan Ashman, and that ehe wee aopri.oter, sus was the cauzuter t.4wtili..t L. 4110., a widow.

Mr. L. K. by Messrs. Clark and zeta, .51 14113.0.? wa e1 tut' Die proaecuuou, wild Mr.

e. it.Yue.iei. 1 111SerOCie4i by Mr. is. h.

Tuley, of 'situ), Sor the gr. told the jury that the tharge was uuusual criaracter. On behalf 01 the 00 at the 44e. Sid woman lied always been known with whom they lived as respretahle, nem. people.

The had au.itituted owing to something they iiid ot Im rt a nce. Counsel explained the Lrrage Act, and pointed out the particulars were required to Le turaisticd hy aves, and entered by tOte elargritall or in tile marriage register. lite story, of the prwaut ease was 1111: The MO was a miner, had lived at Westfield near Esdatock. Until Va 3 he had a brother, WI ose game was John lieaci Ashman. The two brotners were the of a coal miner named iteory Asuman, gig.

at Midsonter Norton. In the same there resided the feinalo, mice Larab i daughter of Lamb, suia miner, and who lived at On August 2.5. 1803, liblettze Lawb married John James Ashman at the churcu of Miosomer Norton. in James Ashman was killtel in the very serious explosion that occurred at Hilt Colliery. Ltlrl his kloroneo.

wes lel a widow, arid entitled to eollll.l..w.ation tinier We Workmen's Compemation Act. It was well known in the neighoourhood in 1901 that the was minced to marry In ceased bus band's brother, which according to the present jew of England was unlawful, Ind Coo that question they need not enter. Being aware that could not get married at Stidaiencr Norton, 'here they were known, Charles Ashman went to Christ Church, Barton 11111, in November, 1993. to put up the hanr.w lie tailed upon the artton, and in his his wire handed him piece of paper on which 10 Pet down pertt jers and I.e wrote down his name as are freCienck Ashman, bachelor, of 119. Lincoln street, Barton Hill.

and Selina Ashwan. spinster, of Lincoln street. The paper taken to the vestry ny 'nu ctitti, arti from it Ow clergyman entered DI. particulars in the barns hook, and they were read out three from that book. On December 23, the presentee themselves at the elitireh and married by the Rev.

De I.tcy 0' lAe.ry. who carefully entered the of ao.l twain the aid atm will and that her fade name was Wil-1 Is. Ashman. The vicar made a mistake in name of the woman, lie wrote Ll-13. corrected it to selit.a.

flc tcountell that the wrong particulars were given in order inquiries. A copy of the register was r.ven tint woman there and then unit sho took it away. Probably tiothstit might have been beard of Oie event were it no'. caat the womaa applied for compensatior "eccause of the death ci her litaeband. The matter value before the 1 inutty Court judite.

who inquiries in to the 011141 1 .8 (mange LI state before was paid. and then the false descriptom was db.cover. d. The matter was reported to Mr. O'Leary.

and that was how the eicest.zat ion came to be made in that In the month of March the people went to the firer and admitted that utudske had betm noele. and they wished to correct it. that mere bad been good deal of talk a9ierez her os to Whether the marrsge tomln he ermined, and her told her she was a moister. This Judge twined the jury to watch the erAttlee etollely a to h50.117g111311 whether thew had been made en honest mistake. which ta- a very differert thing from knowingly and unlawfully making halre Ti'.

Rev. De Lacey ITLcary having been exsinined, said. in the course of Vachell. that the paper from whicii the made in the bonne book tele that witness mid s-pn -ler," and the woman raid "Vez." Witness vinyl that lie could not absolutely say. if the might no: laiva given one of tier father 4.4 Lamb.

but that nue her female fr'enils remarked. "No. Flo; Ash- UM." Witnese replied that he did not beer el that inid by the people lii the vestry, but was quite the woman did rict say larch. was wider the that at the inter. in March th wmian said something to the ffert that ehe situ underrtand the nieaning of the word "spinater" at the time oi the mar- She alao that promptA liar to say 4rhlasin." 31e Vaeliell: Or af21.1 It for her itnera: No.

said Rh, ktivw the statement, were false. The lodge called the attention of witness to that he solid before the when whites, raid that he gther I that 11.1-: did not ktmw that marriage with a decease husband', wail not Lordship: That is the keynote 41; the .10 1 4 1. Jll-tde Miry COMM Chlirell A I given as to part of 11: conremotion that took place at the interview, Jude. remarked that he think Inn- iti the aorl.l wouid regard it 4: a felow. if the jury desired to stop the eat 4 the: rht to whenever they if they nut think the evilence was sufficient to its continstame.

I foreman the jury remarked that np that point the jury not tint that intent hut hecn estatslioteci. The Judge said that was ti.e kcynate of the thing. Mr. Weltered raid It was a in which to the harge. 1 it bad Leen I rtmglst the court it WAS tn per The jury.

in ater'atte. wilt the direction te returned a verdict of r. Wethered intimated that he phoild tuot elf evidence on the other eounts varying the thstae. remarked that the crurn had ilme quite right in hriniing tie caoe before the and, it was a proper thine that the should be where they were. lligh of Mein had seted fooliahly.

out be quite arrevel 1.111 the hart that chat ther had dime was lint with felonkors intent. and therefwe tlin did the right thine to the ease. It as. a rase, however, that ought to be inquired teeanse judge tbmnghoot the countre knew those thinks were f'ar too often Clermrren were misled 4711 r. O'Leary had given 14 OtitiPnle moat fairly) ond false documents Ire brointlit into existence that afterwards led ery treat trouble.

The accused were then liberated. 81MElt4ET RATING APPEAL. At the m. thunder liessimic at Taunton anWeduoet.o.latoeetiire: E.ll.eltatto-eck- Healey. An A.

P. tt.nnereitle. deputyron3n. and Mr. J.

Cooke-liude. the .1:160.. Iluv.atudi Brewery. of ithepton Madtto a the 111.1PIIIIMPOL of Teopeety by the of the Seent Mallet Union. Mr.

r.dae.d. Pate, K.C.. and Mr. a T. l'arr.

inby Messrs. Cruet. and wer: tor toe while Mr. and Mr. W.

H. Duchwoeth. inatrueted Ir. A. E.

Natter, of Ma'let. appeared ler the re.p00....uat.. em.e tor the appellantn watt tlutt the weepswaa made on November 5 last, and the atent Committee imitated on December 17 to 1.4 it. The Miallessineut was 1i2.356 15a. gross.

1.767 10e. ratablo value. The that they were over-rated In respeet of gees. eatable value and that. the valua-11 hat upon which the rate was baaed and tato tate were both Lad and Informal upon the tb r.

and therefore illegal. they nho aubt.nt st that an insulliclent had been 1 34, in the rate of the tuagessment to cover the tillable deductions Irwin the prone estimated t'mal lona the ratable Valae. wail Needham dint he the office alder. owe wed Herbert item, ratable robot et Lettalea lh ree called i tl-dtali of the latter said he 'd ttamined 11.." the company and details et the nenotinte allowed for repehe and bend ill Site average of Ut. p.tet, (mi tee lowebees.

and I qtketty the ts.aa&ensiled Wire should I. Whit all kriageerst between Ws view he eared le see them I ee Mink et to, ai lal they to Sir Charles the Int ul the eatable view 4 era net dletuebed by kllee tens of live toAralsatlEdesw, of I.lnr et kit temphay. mesa 44.., 414 TWO111111all Irw bet inl MI 6 7 4 4teee. sash payehde eyes arta. IL teethes a sad the kraal Veen pirate il ftt, int.

ead the Oellek "Idl lb. L. 4 at ItUill and the wilishle 1111111112. Ille a settedieb et'illiegles Mill Itliwout tow, 1011milli et WING, aim el illook oft to poremot owl 11 11 7 .111 14" 41....111. SERIOUS PIT ACCIDENT AT DUNKEKTON.

MINER INJURED BY FALL OF ROOF Injured by a fall of roof in a mine st lb. Dunaerton Colliery on Tuesday, a young niner named William Forman, of 64, High street, Twertuu, now lies in the Royal United Samna' in a very serious condition. who is about 18 years Of ale. WOO due to leave the pit at 2 delocs, but a minute or two before that a portion of the roof gave way and pinned hitn to the ground. He was picked up in an unconscious condition, and attended to by Dr.

at the mouth of the pit. He was then conveyed to the Bath Royal United Hospital in a taxi-cab, accompanied by two colliery mates. The man is suffering from a fractured skull. On inquiry at the hospital later it 311 sated most onnan's condition still remained serious. THE AT kiILMERSDON INQUEST AT PAULTON.

On Ifenday afternoon Mr. Statham. deputy coroner for teouterset, held an inquest at the Red Lion Hotel, into the eireune star.ces the death of Charles Parrett, of 2 Haydon cottages, who met a ith an accident on me incline at the surface of the Kilinersdon Lelliery on June 23, and who passed away the sent, evening at Paulton HOSpaal, after both fee, bad been amputated. The niqu.ry WAS attended by Mr. H.

Walser, assistant Impector of Mines, Messrs. A. E. Chlvera lucreitarp. J.

C. 'Milton irnanageo, and George Clevers tengineur, represeating the Writhling- I ton Codieries by whore the deceased wee 1 empleyed. Albert Perrett, a son of the deceased, stated the: his father wee 67 years of age, and he was Ilabourer working on the sureties at Eilmeredon He went to work last Thursday at 1 1 o'clock. beard about 11 o'clock that I his father had met an accident. His father Iwas in good health, and had been lately.

Witness accompanied his father to the Dolton Hospital after the Accident He was not pre' sent when death took place. 1 hie J. C. Wallun put in a plan of the incline on which the accident happened, and i explained the pesition to the Coroner. Bertram Gullick.

residing at Hazel terraces, hill, stated that he was employed at Kil- I userselon Colliery, end en June 23 was engaged I kttine the trucht down the incline from the pit I mouth OS the Great Western Railway. About I o'clock werteas let down one truck and placed the ober ie position to let Cown. He received a signal that the Bee was clear, and let the seeunit truck down. About a quarter of 311 hour later witness he ard that the deceased had been knoeked down by a truck. The distance of the 1 scene of tie' accident to where witness was work- I 'ass sonic 120 Witness could not see spat from where lie was working.

Witness kney: the 'sell, and saw him at fast that mornine, and he was then in hie usual I condition. Witness saw the deceased after the and although he was conscious ho said nothing about the accident. The deceased had i good hearing. IHerbert haler. residing at 20, Lower Butter Imildings, Benstock, rested the: he was at the betioni cad of the incline on June 23.

i About 10.30 a truck eame down, and witness turned it out on to the sithug. Ile signalled that all was clear for the neat truck. After the second truck came down witness could see Inc same eey up the incline waving to I. him. Witness up to hint.

new he had serious injuries, placed hire in as conifortabie I a position as possible, and ran for assistance. One vi the deceased's feet was rtglit off, and the other very badly crashed. W.iness staked deceased how it happened, and lie replied he ileauglit the truck was coining on the road. Witnres knew th deceased was cutting the grass on the embankment at the side Of the lueline. the first truek came down witness 83W the deceased go to a place of aafety, and it was just oppesite this place where the accident Imppened.

When witness eaw the tseulltion of the deceased lie sent at once for Mr. Harvey to bring the ambulance appliantres. and also for the doctor, he reply to the Conner, witness gain he hod gained three at. John Ambulance certificates. The Deputy-Comner: A must useful thing.

Dr. Jobe kidwin Scale; of Lc'gh house. Badstock, stated that he was railed toThe scene ot the wreident ou Juue 23, and found the injured man I) illg by the side of the metals out the incline. He found the deceased had been ettendembetted very ithij too, by two or three men who had evidently all been taught first aid to the injured. he observed that some lit avy vehicle lisU evidently passed over lissi.i, tcgs.

and both were nearly severed front the body a few inches above the aiikies. Witness attended the deecas. eel, end helped in his removal to the Paulion Hospital. in the ambulance van. An hour end 1 half later witness went to the and in conjnnetion with Drs.

t'ostobailie and Mien. he amputated botie legs. The deceased went Ithrough the operation very but succumbed a o'clock from sh.ek, due to the injuries Mewl by the accident. Deeecsed was quite conscious alien raw him. end tad he get on the wrong line.

Mr. J. C. Welton said the deceesed had worked on the einbunktuent of the and also in tenting the incline for some 10 years. He well uuderstood the working of the incline.

At the rpot where he was cutting gum itimudiately before the hsepened, there was plenty of town fur the deccesed to stand without being on the steep part of the cantraiikurent. The Deputy Coroner remarked that it seemed a most extraordinary' accident, for the eleecasiel the spot Ps For sourer ressan or other which they did net knot and never should, lie stepped out from a place of to which he Inel gone on to the lane, and was knocked down be the truck. No blam whatever was attar-heel to the company working the mine, or the leen who worked on the incline. He reconurwrided the jury to return a verdict to the effect that the deceased died fever shock caused le the severance of hie legs through being sectdented). Inn over by a truck in the incline at Colliery on June 61 the Jury unanimougv ec vplcd, owl verdict in accordance therewith was returned.

RICH FROME At the ortnishtly meeting uf the Bronx Board of Gu.xdiro Tuerilsy. Ow cave of a woman uatned Humphreys, who formerly at Heininiann and 43 recently removed to the Workhouse, was further considered. It will be remembered that when Mrs. Meehan dive off teen anbeiluentiv viete4 the house rne found £176 in gout. in hank noLs.

bank book with a credit halanee of MOO and 8.303 in Government securities. The Guardians p.m: to invest the money on relit and hold the stock, to pay car or two rsiints Humphreys owed and to keep on the bowie fee a time to 7.. whether the woman WII4 I.dely hi improve ty the Workhouse treatment. A of the mmtan also y.ratited el for expenses incurr.4 in with the women's removal to the Workhouse. A letter we.

a'o lead front a Bristol firm of solicitors usEne that half the eFtate tamountme Ito over £llO. of the late Marth4 George. whoce next of kin was an inmate of the Workhouse, should he paid to Mrs. Geddes, a nieee of deceased. Mrs.

Geddes had looked after the old laov florin the last da)s of her life, and the latter howl hecome much attached to her. lie ceased left a memorandum that she wished her eAtat? to be divided equally between Mrs. fitoldes. her brother George and two other relatives. He in the Ahsenec of a valid will the 4.5-tate tate passes to the brother who is in the Workhouse He, however, was willMg that )Irs.

Geddes should have half the value of the estate. She was in very humble eireumMtnees. her war at rresent in a Bristol hospital, and 111(1 Lam' :11 do to support herself and child. The Clerk reported that George in 1907 inherited a sum of money upon the death IV another relative and when he then looked into the matter he found George and his family had oust the raternvers shout 1.1154 in the motion of Mr. Knox, seconded bv Mr.

the application of the solicitors Was refused. hut in eonsideration of the assistanee Mrs. Gelder had reodered her aunt the Board voted her a grant of £5 "as an act ot courtesy." IMECAMME MINIATURE CLUB: On Satt CrWi vey inTl exciting match took place on the wtnre at Camely. between elcht members of the local drib an" eight members of the shove dab. The local were captained by Mr.

and the Holcombe men by Lient A. J. C. Wickham The ranges shot over were 100 200 and 400 yards and amid a good deal or excitement the match terminated in a win for the homesters by 1 point WILOOII ANIELC T. C.Wiekhaen 111 Capons R.

.7. Candy 111 Rippleley A. Rayne F. Reeve 4 Walton Candy 71 Z. Lovell T.

.7. lrearlll at H. Perry A. T. (lastly SO A.

Terry Z. Z. Candy 1 A. Spear Total Total IS .55 Me. Reebret Postinaster-Ottnesal.

has to rive trade onions a tai tidos hens sans with the Post Chits Bank and to Mos antended cheque faallitisa. Mr. Jana Otiose: wits was fkassetr a siwpbsed. so Nei ill 11011 i blillhasy at latabokge. Um Nesdllbsta.


MELLOR. BATH IXTINSION ORDBI. The Somerset Quarter SOBSIOD IFU held at the Shire Hall Tauntos our WedneadaY, lhe presidency of the Right Eon, Fry, Who at the commencement of the proceedings mow" the adoption of an address to the King, oondol-, ing with him, and other members of the Family on the death of King Edward 11., X1 assuring him of loyalty to his Throne and Pit- H. Russell Tanner aeoonded the motion, which was adopted. RESIGNATION OF MR.

MELLOR. The ha i rman announced the resignation of the Right Hon. J. W. Mellor, one of the Deputy-Chairman of the Quartet Sessions, owing to advancing jean, and paid an eloquent testimony to the services he had rendered to the county for so many years.

The Right, Hon. Henry the election of Mr. Arthur Fownes Some i ar Th of Dinder, Wells, as the deputy-chairmen, in to Mr. Mellor. This wee seconded by Mr.

J. Cook-Hurls, and agreed to. TIM AUTUMN The Clerk of the Peace reported the result of an interview with the Lord Chief jtutlee, in regard to the inconvenience caused by the bolding of the Somerset Autumn ASIOSO in the Quarter Sessions' week in October. He bad since that interview received letter from Lord Alverstone, in which he said he thought it would be possible to take the Somerset Assize after Cornwall and Devon, at any rate for this year. THE BATH ERTF.NSION ORDER.

The Clerk of the Peace said the local Government Board had made an order for the exteitsion of the bonndaries'of Bath, taking in the whole of Twerton and a portion of the parishes of Weston and Charlcombe. To that extent At altered the jurisdiction of the court if it was consented to by Parliament. aud it would take effect on November 9. There was one matter which concerned the 1 lreusing Committee of the COOn, for there was a clause that equitable adjustment was to be provided between the county end the citv. 'this question was referred to the County Licensing Committee.

TOWNSIDE LODGE ASYLUM. The license of the Townside Lodge Asylum was further renewed. PROBATION OF OFFENDERS. It was decided that the court should obtain from time to time reports from the probation officers in cues dealt with under the Probation of Offenders 'Act at Quarter t4ission. CRIMINAL BUSINESS.

A QUESTION OF LAW. James Smalley, 66, contractor, was brought up to be dealt with on an indictment charging hint with a breach of the Probation Act, one of the conditions being that be should sustain from intoxicating liquors, by taking drink on Aj-il last, and other case raised an interesting point. Wien it was tried at Wells As. rise it was contended for the defence that the articles which the prisoner WWI charged with stealing were thrust upon him, while he was lying in a Held where he wits jury did not accept his defence, and found him guilty of the offence. Under the circumstances, the question arose whether the court had power under the Act to make abstention from intoxicating liquor a condition of the prisoner's probation, inasmuch as on that occasion he was not convicted of evidence had been given and the question of law argued, the jinsoner was released upon his own recoi-1 nisancea to appear for sentenoe if called upon Ist the court of Quarter Session as the I court of Criminal Appeal had dealt with the case.

ALLEGED BURGLARY. The Grand Jury threw out a bill wind Biinman, LI, labourer, bailed on committal tor an alleged burglary at the house of Arthur Risco', on June 10, at Croaaeombe. BURGLARY AT WELLINGTON Henry Simebank. 32. labourer, was sentenced to three years penal servitude for burglary at the house of kobert Webber, and stealing a numb and other of eggs an other a of food.

There were In previous convictions against him. BATH INSURANCE AGENT ON Hid TRIAL OVER. Howard Gay, 311, insurance agent, pleaded not guilty to having attempted suicide by throwing hiniselt into the River Avon, at Weston, Batty on June Weatherly, prosecuting, said the case was an exceptional one, as toe Mimice was that someone came along the towing pith, struck the prisoner on the head arid threw him into the river. The prisoner had had serious and sad trouble, as his wife had committed was given by Edward Joint Coward. D.W.R.

porter, and keeper of the river luck at Weston, Walter Weston, carter of Bath, Frank Legge, also of a th, Lye boatman or the Oil Ferry, Twerton, soil P.S. and Dr. Heatheute, of Twerton, '-aid on examining the prisoner he found him guile rational, except in regard to the differ. ent sixtvinents he made as to how he got into the river. He had previously attended prisoner for prisoner called Ms tattier, John Gay.

who said his sun had alays been steady and sober, but had experienced a great deal of Upton, ru- Heitor's clerk, of Twerton, gave evidence as to the troplile experienced by the addreseing the Court said his nerves were unhinged by the death of his jury found the prisoner guilty, with a strung recisrumendation to prisoner's father mi-1 demonic to look after him, whereupon he was discharged on his own recognisance, and bound 1 over with his father in the sum of £lO each. The General Purposes Committee reported with reference to the resolution passed at the last meeting of the County Council on the subject of the proposed new parish at ressedown St. John. It now appears that section hi of the Local Government Act, 1894, applies to this quiry, with the result that the inquiry niust be held by joint-committee of the County Council and the City Council of Bath. The hy Council, however.

have passed a reeolution appointing Messrs. Duckworth, Hope and Hurls to be the Joint.couustittee so far as they are concerned in such appointment with the proviso that their report is to be submitted to, and adopted by, the City Council before any order is made County Council now passed a resolution which was in the same form with the necessary modifications as that passed by the City CounciL FRESHFORD POLLING STATION. The Freshforg Parish Council asked that Hinton Charterhouse, instead of Munkton Combo, should be the polling place for Preshford for Parlitunentary as well as for Comity Council elections. The General Purposes Currouittee, however, pointed out that there was no polling plus sehinton Cherterbome for Parliamentary elections, and they further recommended the County Council not to accede to the application. 1 Major Steward said there was no question of the number of polling pieces, but of redistributing them-Mr.

J. Cooke-Hurle said here was no notification that a redistribution the polling stations in that pert was required. i the committee would be quite willing to consider a further recommendation, but they could not We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Frank I recommend an additional polling place at Elin- oli Clark, Unkind Receiver in Bankruptcy ton Chartuhouse, without comments( the qualm the Bristol District, which includes the Couu- Dons generally. He asked the Council to adhere kg Courts of Bristol, Seth, Aridgviater, to the committee's recommendation, and he lv c.IF.

lir. has oss at olLiy up to the would undertake that the committee would con(sod of May, but has been In ill-health tor some skier any further recommendation which might Rifle I.ast, and latterly developed double pueu- made to it with regard to a further redistrimtiMa. but after an operation which he under- button of polling recommendation went appeared to be making satisfactory pro- the committee was adopted. pees. However, a relapse set in, and he TERRITORIAL FORCES ASSOCIATION.

passed peactefuhy away, as elated, oit Tummy. The Council nominated Earl Weldegrave, Mr. At the time of the passing of the Act of lab Mir. 't Arnold, Col. b.

H. Llewellyn, Major-lien. Clark transferred trout the Finance Depart- F. mem of the Board of Trade to the Commercial Stothert, of Bath, so represent the H. Parr, C.

8., C.M.G., and Mr. Percy E. Council on under the late Sir Robert Grlffeu to .55515 the theta inspector-General. Mr. John' i nrrest Territorial Pore Almciaticasmith, C.B.

the machinery under SUNDAY TRAIN SERVICES. that Act. r. Clark acted as temporary official Th uncil decided to support the Some set, receiver at Hull, and was appointed re- Wilt a nd Dorset Farmers' Association in thei ceiver for Newcastle-upon4yne, and to the petition to the Board of Trade for a Sunday train' Chancery Court of the county palatine of Dor service on the south side of Templecombe. haul on January 1, 1801, being promoted to be (hid Bankruptcy Clerk to the hoard of Trade SWINE PETER REGULATIONS.

in London on January 1, 1804. hie served in The report of the Executive Committee under that office until January, 1901, when he was ap- the Diseases of Animals Acts contained the fol. pointed to the Bristol Oficial Receivership in lowing Board of Agriculture and Fishersuccession to the late Mr. E.G. Clarke, who had ies made an order on June 15, declaring the area held the poet since the Act of 1883 came into comprising the Patty sessional Division of Procne force.

The appointment was said to be worth I Mallet, It the parishes of a year. being one of the best in the coup- I glad 914111040011), to be a swine infected area to At Ant the district only comprised Brim- Mr liablieses el the Swine Fever Regulati on Bristol, Beth, Proms and Walla, bat Eridgersdar wee of Movement Guise of 1908. This step is stated added In July, Mk to have bma lets kg them as a result of MEL Clark was an egeeptionallp wall-qualified quirks eafille lIF ilageetors of the Board into the man for the work he had to go. Ho bad not of the etetbeeak of swine fever, an 4 only an extensive knowledge of bankruptcy law it salleili SO slibraW in one ewe that the line taken and practice, but 'mimed peat amount- for by us is to weeds to the opening of the absorbing the death of eases that egme into his markets to swine was a correct His- reports to the Camay Ostia Judge Steward said be had been asked by many farm. were marked with extreme aye ad animus, era In his soltebourhood to draw attention to and no doubt those forwarded to his department the fact slsl main road between Bath and were equally good.

In poetic ementnetaan he Pfeifle was entirely in Somerset, with the excepwas thorough, but Defer efleilfe4 lemma- tion of about 300yda, and it was desired that outside his provinss, which ems to dig. animals might be taken through that area withcover the causes of failure the memo that e.t.a from being one of the longed to the estate. sw ans i his Willa emellies la Ragland in of swine conduct of the affairs cd Ma an fewer, has beams of the beet, said Mr. S. a not to tn a by et as.

Milner. to the hope that their Ali ng to debtors who MUT Bo TIMM we lola' Mr. Clerk was kindhr ang gemeigeeme Dents te 418... fa at as possible in the matter. supported a fortune, and he had a maid native Sifirbili Chairman pointed oa lli it He effected a nurober Of el the Power Pow er the ruity, to administration in his and a well abreast of headquarter the liars Boma.

Meal Receiver for Taatten gmeli thezt diarist These was no dimension whatever upon a teens divided, the lower port sabe so. by the Public Health and Ham and the higher to PizistaL Kr. Clerk On Bath's artheme. representations to his department that it rook was as Council his chief clerk (Mr. I.

W. Dadevt Ambilint Balk us that dam IValie of the Lieu ()facial Receivaeirfr, In thus Mr. Clark aseeeed Govegnment Board allowing ma sewerage works mach Deeded ha the growing wort of be mashie the city has been elleetwed, also Me large district, obtained due noognithe for Leard amolw liked 'a l6lol a highly-competent member of his le the also obtained the appointment of Mr. J. P.

that trtlitru. ett as inspector-an appointment that I na een portion mem fully justified. of Um meek re Mr. Clark was in the Pegs Ilks. belie 44 idlif 1611 fh ore are years of age.

and outside armor awn hm owtharlawl netieseary ial and eserteone Opedlen beg an of the Dia wide elms of BilineW among leer i ae il tilt i Distriet Colwell with death will be dseat, Tbe liasimu. ta on sewage puts will tabs place is Meilen at at. or wawa dbe nullnef lithl fljt Si Mary, Blebs Illelse sewers, and that if ner i be points 'seems will hit left to memereemr 2-irseensammi Board.alsosUgmgata saw Mg to meeiremle and HON. 0.0. OADOOANS IFTNANCIAL esni oat the sMALL mambo acnnirr.

Atlas Landes Beekrembey GmetWedneedeg the The Small am Anslingilis bile eummiiiks. of er. nos. oink, i fl fied havihe bele to tht Oedema ne a ea ee asedatent Ila to Adi lk Alio ei seism as sesedmip to the at 1110. sos aod eleSie Pell end the Melo em to extritveganao in meenniminememnfie I and gmabliam It is stated there bog been a et 1201 Ms Xlii 'Ms Thum.

Muh fit vessatesystiateithesisatiateN sa ebolensaned but at the preemie One 1 16 4:1 pompossi estate of Ble vele, al ber znad Ct veldts emedeatfensbooki be ASSAM et 100 4 116 8134169 IS illiNlbal 111.46 is with Use trailed Llegiesu A DEATH OF MR. F. L. CLARK. OFFICIAL RECIIIVIta IN BASICRUIPTCY.

Atir JULY 1, 11 SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL TUESDAY'S MINTING AT TAUNTON SAMS SS WAGS SCHEME. SWINE SEVER IN THE DISTRICT. The-Right Hon. Messy Hobbouse presided at the quarterly meeting of the goinerset County Lumen held at Taunton on Tuesday. and Woes Om ordinary business commenced made an eloquent reference to the death of King Edward, end proposed the adoption of an Andress to King in reference to that sad This was agreed to.

The Chairman also made a reference to the death of Mr. G. Y. Luttrell, at Dunster Castle, a former member of the Council. FINANCE COMMITTEE.

The Finance Committee reported they bad received from the County treasurer an application for additional assistance in consequence of the great increase which had taken place in the work of his department as regards general and police account. since OK when the remuneration and expenses were Let fixed. They reccommended the County Council to increase the salary of the County treasurer by the snin ot £lOO per annum as from April lb last, to be charged to the general county account re-organisation of the whole of the staff of the County treasurer's recommendation was adopted. TAR SPRAYING IN BATH DISTRICT. The County Works Committee reported that the Bath Rural District Council had applied for a contribution towards the cost of tar iteraving about nine miles of main roads.

The County Surveyor, however, considered that some portions of this roading should be reeosted before being tar-sprayed. The committee therefore recommended that a grant be made of one moiety of the cost, not exceeding £lOO, of tar-spraying such portions, excluding the Gloucester road, as the County Surveyor shall approve, and are in his opinion in good torm and repair when the work is earned out, and which are not subsequently re-coated during the current year, provided that the work is done to his was adopted. DrNYERTON BRIDGE. The County Works stated that the faces of the spandril wall, wing walla, the parapets, and the under side of the Dunkerton bridge required repairs, and estimate was £lOO, and the Council authorised the durreyor to carry out the repairs. THE CAMERTON RAILWAY.

The County Works Committee stated that they had taken counsel's opinion on the application of the G.W.R. Company eith regard to the new railway from Camerton to Limpley Stoke, which crosses under the main road from Bath to Warminster at the foot of Brassknocker hill. This railway also necessitated the stoppirig and diver.ion of the old district road between the new Warminster road- and Monkton county bridge, the greater part of which road has been heretofore repairable by the County Council. The committee were in zommunication alai the officials at Taunton on these subjects and hoped to have a settlement of F. It.

Berryman said a satisfactory reply had since been received from the G.W.IL. Company. A BRADFORD OFFER. Mr. M.

A.PeW, of fiord Manor, Bradford-on- Avon, had asked if the Council would receive a statue of Britannia for erection on the pedestal which stands above the pier and cut water on the south cast end of bridge, and the County Works Committee recommended that no objection should be made to the erection the statue by Mr. Veto at his expense and under the directions of the county surveyor, premed the Council accepted no liability tor its maintenance or was agreed to. MILITARY The report of the County Works Committee stated: The Army Wuncil inform us that an order will in due course be made by his Majesty in Council for the holding of nulitary menmuvres within large area or the counties of Somerset, Wilts, Dorset, Hampehire, and Sussex during Pie three calendar months cowmencingJuly 15. The contemplated area in Somerset is generally speaking that to the east of the line drawn from Crewkerne to Banweil. and to the south of a line drawn front 'Unwell to Fronie.

Under the Military Act the Council require to appoint two persona to represent them on the military Council appointed Mr. F. H. Berryman and Mr. R.

A. NEW PEASEDOWN PARISH. BATH CHARITY OUP. Two toestings ot the Bath Cbsrity Imam him been called to amide, the dlulo. gained by the rooms of the appeal ed le the County Aitioeiettaa against the resell we the furl tbs 7 Phiffsd with Iteerederow.

but on neither eeiseakis bee It been melbas le beware goons What the Cup Cusentineeporielecide Is whether the mad sha ll be or the rep held by the-lovers. The appears at present to be the ooly muse whiels oen be Wow, tor it is dmbltel whether Peeindorin coo raise an eligible team SOMERSET FOOTBALL QUOIT LIA.GUE. RADSTOCK ALBIONS V. PKASEDOWN T. JOHN.

This match was illy Wit: Peasedown on Saturday last. A pleasant game resulted in a win for the Albions by 13 points. Scores Katerroca ALBION. PSMIZDOWX. 0.

Batton 21 E. Gregory 11l 3. Dowling 21 B. Misers 6 J. Loader 21W.

Dowsing IT W. Yarlett 16W. Zeal P. Twist 21 C. lord In B.

Latches's 15 H. Eska 21 X. Seymour NW. Gay II W. Chisere 21 R.

Lines 16 Total Total 115 THZ II YARDS CHAMPIONSHIP OF ENGLAND. SHORIAND V. IV. EYLE.S. For the eighteen yards enamgonship two members of the Single Hill Club.

R. Shortimd and W. Ryles, played on Saturday in the preliminary round. good game was witnessed. and Shorland won by points.

Tbe scores were Shotland. 41: W. Ryles. 30. B.

LATCHEN V. H. KITCHENS. In the eighteen yards' championship contest on Monday evening between HARitchens, of the Radstock 'Town Club. and B.

Latchem, of the Radstock Albion Club, Latchem created a big surprise by defeating Kitchens by three points. This is the first time Hitchens has ever had the championship taken from hint on his own ground in the preliminary rounds. Latchem, who lea lad of 19 pears, played, very cool game throughout, and did not allow the ex.champion to unnerve him. The scores Lstchem, 41; Hubert Hitchens, 311. TAMIL TO AMP: V.

Was. Lod Panto. Rollneck Albion 7 6 1 13 A I ill' 1 5 5 0 10 Town 4 3 1 6 Red POlt 6 2 4 4 Ht. Thomas 5 2 3 4 Great Western 7 1 6 11 Tbundown 6 1 2 FITTUTtES FOR TO-MORROW. Radstock Town v.

Wells St. Thomas, at Wells. single Hill v. Red Post, at Red Poet, COLIMORD. SvccEssr.s.—The Misses Margaret E.

Edged and Gladys G. Turner, pupil teachers at the Church o'. England richuol here, and students at the Wells Pupil Teacher Centre, and Miss Evelyn C. A. Goddard, assistant at the Wesleyan ilchnols, have been successful in passing the preliminary certificate examination and thus qualified as assistant mistresses under article 60 of the code.

0 CTUJUX or Mrsstas aND epidemic of measles and scarlet fever is unfortunately passing through this district. For the past three weeks many children have been absent from school owing to measles. Last week a case df scarlet fever was discovered, and since then three other ewes have occurred, and unfortunately these cases are not of a mild type, being accompanied by sore threat. Up to the present (Monday) no order to close the schools has been received. It is reported that the authorities will take a house near the King's Mead Inn, and fit it up for an isolation hospital for the scarlet fever patients.

MATH WM) FCN.lan OF Mas. many months of great suffering the above lady died on the 23rd mat, at the age of 63 years. Deceased was the wife of Mr. William Flower, of Cole ford for whom much sympathy is teit in his bereavement. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon amid many signs of sympathy and regret.

Besides the mourners which included the husband and children and other relatives inembers of the Primitive Methodist Society and eongreption to which the i deceased lady belonged, joined the procession to pay the last token of respect to one who was universally liked and respected. The Rey. T. Archer, Primitive Methodist Minister, the funeral ceremony, both in the Wesleyan Chapel and in the Holy churchyard, where the interment took place. There was a large cooperation in the chapel and graveyard.

Foorasu. annual meeting of the members of the football club took Nam on Wednesday evening at the King's Head Hotel. Mr. W. M.

Jones presided, and thine was a very good attendance. Although the mason passed through was remarkably successful one, both teams tlet and End XL's) winning the premier positions in the senior and junior divisions of the From. and District League, being successful in each match played, yet owing; to very heavy expenditure and non-fulfilment of two home fixtures. the treasurer was only able a report a favourable balance of Is. .511.

The teams which did not fill their engagements were the From. United and the Trowbridge Artillery, and no satisfactory reply has yet been received from either of them clubs for loss of gate. The general meeting to decide on the for the coming season will take plasm next Wednesday. important meeting of the General mitts, of the Horticultural Society was held on Monday evening in the Church School, Mr. A.

A. Goddard presiding. The show is to take place on Saturday, August U. and the offer of Mr. A.

A. Bryttit of the Anchor Hotel, for Um 'Vaal Barton' field for the show was accepted on the usual terms. Regret was expressed that Mr. John EMU, of weetospsnper-liare, who has judged at the show for many years, would be unable to come again this year owing to a prior engagement, and it was decided to ask Mr. Clarke, of Orehardleigh, and Mr.

C. Mann, of the Melts Park Gardens, to ad. Indicate in the floricultural and horticultural sections and honey, and failing one of them the name of another gentleman Tom the Ilseletoeg was mentioned. Messrs. W.

J. Wise and W. Crisp are to be invited to again judge the allotments, gardens, window bores. BMW gardens, and Messrs. G.

Tattle, of and T. Moon. of are to be 1 as judges in the bread, este, etc. eampetitiens. IThe tender of Messrs.

Hobbs Braises, of Om' ton Mallet, for a marquee, kr the biatieulboal I and floricultural sections, Mt by MO, was weeepted, as well as for the visual eiletel tent, There was only one tender kr i 4 es. fuera the East Mendip band, which wee Yr. e. Heal, of Glastonbury, Modeled sir the sole right of field amusements, end after seem discussion this offer waa accepted. Arrangement' were also made for each district to be visited by members of the committee with a view to Itocreasing the number of members.

Various other matters were adjourned till the last meeting of the committee before the show day. WOMAN efforts were made in the above place of worship on on behalf of the society funds, and alsorn dli Zi of the funds of the sunday School. In to the first the object was to clear off, if possible, the arrears on the past two quartets' accounts, and with respect to the latter a special service of song was given in order to fume up a deficiency on the May anniversary Tbe teachers and officials at that time kindly gave up their Monday evening's annual anaday school meeting in ordsr that the trustees IMAM bare an opportunity on the following Thursday of aking up a good amount at special services In sod of the heating fund of the chapel. Rev. E.

S. Welch, of Holcombe, conducted the throughout the day, and preached two excellent and appropriate sermons, which were much appreciated' Titers was good attendance at the afternoon service, when the teachers and opholars of the Sunday School were also present The choir, under the direction of Mr. A. A. Goddard, ease a capital of a service or Wag, by John Blackburn, ent itled "Beithfuj and True," which was followed with the keenest Interest.

The Rev. E. S. Welch gave the deeply interesting and pathetic narrative with much expression and distinct enunciation. Thera were many very tuneful items in the musical portion et the service.

The opening anthem, "Sing ye Jehovah's praises," wee sups ith a ste ad sapsessien, the forte and piano pear ues Wag well marked while she neweeding pima, "Mathes Wile in Ream dwellest" and 'The Jasper ilea" WM' clay, Mod esPecielly. the chalet are waiting, which was sews In beautifully subdued tones. Other items which were greatly admired were I'm reeling in Jesus" "I do not ask," less Springtime, Sine a hymn to Jesus." "All tits way, "0 Goa of Heaven," and "We should beat the Angels." ull he li uart nfie 'red by ny lr ialies do cve wee rs, Mlegra. ry V. tune Chisels and IL Steeds.

The concluding anthem "Whet are them arrayed in white." in whisk the sap was ably talon by Miss Ads Chimes, grand Initiate a very tuneful servlss a V. Hamblin was the accompanid It is to thee the hamrealised Mime Al wlga ti ia kth wlis sg iss Nora Welle amtkel 4.111 ft I anthein.rji:lTZ 1 057 Il the basis wwPw wan Ade little Wag rwrieff. so ibatift 83 Itedstiook NOM Th ot bath is kavialy ly tot Aiz-issaains. Tie i hire. Slosse Wean NM Iles NOlb Nowa aisimum.

we take IR Umiak dkualletak, North at Ilmmaan lie Olt a Alatua. The della enausl visaing el the Ileeth Ilemee aet AmdeedurtL imi tteg will be held geld. awe the kind pel eemiedes camel Gimp riledie7i Mr. W. T.

Loy, who shaft leaving the staff ol the MentotostAotire Smarmy Pose Is agate to become dist resells, of rk. Bak triad, Is. bees who a. cm ci km by Ids Mr. W.

A. Porker hotostly editor ot Ui. sad sow aunt editor a the Synths, Poe, poridios as the occasion. Mr. James Nadel Lao, of inland' Boom I.

4 omerest, death occurnrd en the 23rd of last moth. left Nide totalling to ed As announced last -A, the Lord et Bristol has been approached on the al an invitation to the Beth and Weat Bee to hold its 1212 exhibition in Bristol. The Meyor has called a private meeting of representative citizens for the 30th inst. to discuss the question. The last exhibition of the anciely in Bristol was held in 11103 when the attendances numbered 1011.778.

At the previous assetinit in 1588, the attendances were 100.5111, and at the exhibition held On the Downs lin 1814 1 the tlitures were 110.120. As compared with these figures, the total of 26,977 at raa show's! 'Whetter appears trifling. The takings at the last Bristol exhibition nearly £9,000. a I regret to bear that Mr. W.

Z. Skinner. of Clendown, is resigning the bon. eecreteryeht i the North Somerset and Pennon and ma Football Leagues. For a number of someone vest Mr.

Skinner has worked lard for the leagues, and their success has been largely due to the efforts he has made in Omit interest. intimately eameiated with the hope that Mr. of Carnerton will b. able to Accept the invitation extended to him to succeed Mr. Skinner.

Mr. Garthwelte would make an excellent secretary. and in this district hopes that Borne means will be found whereby his services on the County Foothill Council can be continued. I am very pleated to hoar that en amicable and satisfactory solution has been arrived at with regard to the threatened labour dispute in the Somerset Coalfield, to which I referred a fortnight ago. The trouble only affected a small section of the men employed upon the eollierien, but if a way out of the difficulty had not been found the what, of Ws men employed would hare tweed work.

The position of affairs at time was very acute, but happily a settle. meat was effected. Them ere indications of a alsokening of the local coal trade. Recently some of the Company's pits started playing on Saturdoll, and now this week some of thew pita were also idle on Wedneadey. of the Redneck miners were idle on day.

The pit ra are just now Enakieg contracts for et i a and generally a of trade is experienced. In addition to this they And none difficulty in getting the railway companies to return their empty wagons as expeditiously as at other times of the year, when there la Ism passenger traffic to be dealt with. I have received a copy of the alcial guide to the JapatiHritish Exhibition at Shepherd's Bush. London, which a large number of local people anticipate visiting to-morrow week. the oth inst.

From this it is evident that intending visitors will have a most interesting time and there will be plenty to amass, attract ihnd educate. Ilr. S. Lloyd-Harvey's special trip promises to be one of Um most successful ever ran from this district. Intending passengers should book early.

Tickets can be obtained any at railway statiqn. or from Mr. Lloyd-Harvey, the promoter. Lotter. to Editor.

The Editor doss not bolit trapainiblii for the opinions expressed by airroapoosiderits. Corraspoiiikats are rovisatoil to maks tboir comtasimications es tone so Latina which colasta is trill not be isalasa osi4or gory eireamatinicas. AU mutrishetteetiehe mud Iv tho limos of forfrobliostimi. bat for lb, infor. motion the Editor.

Partly MS. Ws ars refoatoil. lIADSTOCK my Mier to you is general aireldiat fund for the district. published last week I inadvertanny. stated that esteariptione way be sent to fitaterfa Banking Oa, instead et to Wilts and Dorset Bank which ant lbe to the fund.

Xofwe WEITIMIOVIII. June 18. MI Sum meeting et the and limp was Mid St Dan, lir. Winsome (chairman of the 'committee) presiding. The esmetary (11r.

Benjomin Pearce) presented the accounts or the recent shearing match at Pelson, but owing to several subscription books not haring been returned the account" could noi be completed. There will be a balance on the right aide. LEIGH-C2I4II3IVDIP. PIUMIIIVI Muammar Circuit Committes originally organised to carry out the annual circuit deanonsaration and arrange fa a bosom in aid a the circuit debt tuna, Mot on Wednesday evening in Us lorimitive Methodist. Chapel to balsam the 111Calthall.

Thom yaks a full and gainaruig. and the Rev. T. Archer presided. it is vecy erstifYint to know that not only was the intention carried out, but tam favourable Wanes ot 13e.

40. was left in tbe Lando of the stewards after defraying all expenses. The figures ars Leigh-on-Mendip, As las Old. Dowkoess. LT It Wateriip and A.

Michael. 118 Highbusy. iia Sunday's coliseums. £34.. admimieci to lamer, at Me.

Mr. John Hamblin, J.P., AS: total. MI i fad. lis- I expenses, Ab Us. circuit I clots, £33 Is.

LII 14a. leering balance in hand cd in Us. 4e4. ratan's lgsratonisr Sunday len the annimmary melees in elm motion with the alum school weft held. Ms.

V. Baeridge. ci Aims tan obi plembed Moe emotion esseimme to Imp At the diorama service Bani as li anis was gives by dm ene "Oad'a blowers." melt gni numbs a Imbue et has favourite Bowies. lesitenenci gtven as hymns weep seek service lay H. Cladar.

Ade Opear a be Nora Casa, Minnie Mimes. -lad. ir Teem aid hym tans Ng sa assisted by trasull. Nies ware very able ems at each by Ns F. Semidge, at ham whisk wells much mosselsied.

Mr. Albert men at the sewn On Ms following ea entartaimment wee even a rende and WU TOVO I wil re suitlared 1:7 111 Z. P. Usllm, liary Blacker, ILL Gant Oos, and nes. Mr Wlihed Seymour.

The Mak was tam In meet elloisot manner by Mr. Sidney of Blebs St. MichaeL aseltel Wren was ter Rev. T. Archer, of an a work.

Mr. J. Caen pessided at the mean. The collections were matt la adwines of last year. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE.

WHAT MIT RAY MOM A Almost way day a Mises from mrtr of Tlldder VI-Cocoa dad the ea ter have had I- 1 anfalairieg ailt as 11 bVhdepsernaj ch ft il iagj a i Eamibligh a i larnlrt i a el fUn ilk VOW MOW te tne reeds Meets of the ma Vi In It all the allemese be day's feeds yea and mho mg other food and you hitter than It wise ne Vi-Coece with it. a If sea ease realise the EMI Dr. Mika. Vides, yip Orr vial Ss Poem 01 1. la bs set foe ewes.

Ask fee ask pear pager the diffeeemet pelts iftrOeme hi: packets this. anus lin mese and la -it andivea.

Somerset Guardian and Radstock Observer from Radstock, Avon, England (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.