Eating every 3 hrs at night - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Eating every 3 hrs at night - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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Seems like over the past week or two our four month old wants to eat every three hours overnight. It’s driving me crazy. Why the sudden change? Is he not eating enough during day? Sleep regression? Growth spurt? Anyone else going through this?

And yes I do try to soothe him before just feeding him.

I’m barely sleeping and feel like we’re in the newborn stage again. Any advice?

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Story of my life. It’s being going on since birth for me. I am surprised that there are some infants who sleep evening to morning without eating and without diaper change. Mine wakes up every 3 hours and I have been trooping along for 4 months now! God save me

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same here, so exhausted and hate hearing people who say they have a LO who sleeps through the y

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oh gosh I’m so sorry :( I think four months is when they can start going longer? But I have no idea what to do about this. Is your baby breast fed or bottle fed?

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yes! drives me crazy hearing how people sleep though the night, or even get 5or more hour's. I've also been waking every 2-3 hours for the past 4 months. my friends and family tell me most babies start sleeping through the night at 6 months, so fingers crossed it comes sooner

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mine has recently started demanding a third feed after always just doing two, but last night did settle instead of feeding the first time, so I’m praying it was a regression or growth spurt that we’ve passed! Two is so much more manageable than three for me… and yeh there’s never been any sleeping through the night for us either, you’re not alone!

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happy to hear I’m not alone! Yes we went from one feed to two and now three or four ���� I feel like I sound terrible, of course I’m happy to feed him if he’s hungry but the no sleep is so so hard. Plus his daytime naps are like non existent with the sleep regression.

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Eating every 3 hrs at night - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (44)


I’m also going through this with my 3.5 month old. He’s been waking 2-3 times a night and he’s lip smacking and hungry. He usually would wake at 3-4 and then again I the early morning. It’s been going on for a week or two now. He definitely gets enough to eat during the day so I guess it’s just apart of the sleep regression and growth spurt. My baby doesn’t cry when he wakes but he’s wide awake and I can hear him moving and smacking his lips so I always do his diaper change and feed him rather than let him get worked up. It works for us. He eats and immediately goes back to sleep quietly.

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my son used to do the same thing only one time around 3am but now it’s 3-4 times a night. I feel like it just progressively got worse. With breastfeeding I don’t know if he’s getting enough during the day, I mean he seems satisfied and is gaining weight but I just don’t know

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Same ! Been doing this for 4 months now. We've had a few nights where he has gone longer stretches.

Some nights he wakes every 2 hours I try to settle but it doesn't work and then end up resorting to feeding him. I'm so over it !

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oh no I’m so sorry. Two

Hours is rough. We had one night like this where I think it was the start of the regression and I really struggled. I’m sorry your going through this :(

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same! I had a handful of nights that he slept 4-6 hours when he was approaching 3 months old. That hasn’t happened in 6 weeks.

He has been battling colds and a cough (oh daycare life) and it’s been every 1.5 to 2 hours for the last month.

I hear all these people say oh I put him down at 8 pm and he sleeps until 6 am and I think to myself, why am I doing wrong?!?

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I'm exactly the same ! I even remember even announcing to my mother that our LO had finally done a couple of 6 hour stretches and then I reckon a week later the regression started and it's been ongoing for 6 weeks as well now. I definitely think we're more on the other side because he has gotten a little bit better but still not back to what he was doing prior to the regression. This stage has been harder then newborn stage for me personally

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Mine was doing longer stretches finally (5-7 hrs, even one 11 hour stretch!) and is now feeding again every 3.5 hours. He’s 4 months on the 24th.

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Eating every 3 hrs at night - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (87)


how is he napping during the day? My daughter has started waking up multiple times at night after previously just waking up once. I thought maybe it was her 4 month regression but she still has 2hr long naps during the day (I thought bad naps and bad night sleep went hand-in-hand for a regression).

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Our girl was sleeping 6+ hour stretches until I went back to work and she started daycare at 3 months. Seems like the last 3 weeks or so she’s been up every 2 hours to eat. Very similar to yours and others, eats and goes back to sleep. The exhaustion is real though ��

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Same same same!! It’s frustrating. We were on a decent schedule before - down around 7:30, slept til 3 am and then woke up again at 5:30 and back down til 7:30. The last 5 nights it has been wake at 12, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30. And in between he is sometimes making noise and I end up basically soothing him or giving him the paci while half asleep myself… My partner tells me she talks to me and I don’t respond so I think I am basically just trying to put him to sleep without fully waking up myself… the struggle is real! That first wake is the hardest for me, since it is just a few hours after we’ve gone to bed.

On a side note, our daytime naps also suck but have done for the last several months ever since I started working on avoiding contact naps… although they were improving, now we never get more than 45 mins.

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Eating every 3 hrs at night - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (106)


My LO is 3.5 months and she has been up basically every 3 hours since birth. We’ve gotten a few weeks now where she does a 4-5 hour stretch in the beginning of the night but up every 2-3 hours after that.

Then out of no where last night she did a 7 hour stretch. I didn’t feed her more yesterday than other days. Absolutely nothing changed in our routine. It probably was a random thing and won’t happen again for a while lol. All this to say baby sleep is so unpredictable and we can only control so much. Just keep doing what you’re doing and the longer stretches will come when your baby is ready for them!

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If he was sleeping a long time before, but now this, I'd say the 4 month regression. I'm still waiting for that to hit here. He only wakes once a night and has slept until 6/7am from 7:30/8pm I know it's coming. Not looking forward to it 😑

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fingers crossed it doesn’t happen! Our daughter (2.5 years old) never really had regressions.

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That would be great 🤞

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