Chronicle from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CHRONICLE SATURDAY EBRUARY 7 1891 otes are presented at any Usm ttey will have te to paid Mr Wadbt That tta Town lid Oc*ntry Beak Limited having bees wend tip voluntarily unda tte OompaaiM Aot 1884 Mid beta about to be diasolved the Town and CountryBank Limited to thia an extraocdinary reeontfoo directs that tbe bouks at aoeeust and dueunuli of tbe eaid teak be dlspaood of by being deposited with tbe Oow Menial Bwk of Australia Limited at Ade iasde te terms at Motion 189 of tbe OompMim Aot He said that tbe beat thing they oould de wm to finally wind up the eoaoera bad get the dividead He trusted that that would be tbe teat meeting held te oonaeotioa with tbe unfortunate teak He attogotae di seated from tbe aemarka of tbe chairman aa to bfa experience of tbe Town aad Country Bank If their experience of other oompaaws had been ac unfortunate a with the Ton and Oountey Bank a good many of them would be going through tbe Baakraptey Quart (Hear bear) Certainly that tank had not been oo unfortunate tte Commercial Bank of South Aaatraliai bat te tto tetter eaee tbe direotera had an exonoo te the diahoneat nt their manegor and offimn Borne of tbe directon of tbe Town and Country Bank tod no excuse ruck aa that aad tod been area more than tto directors of the Commercial Bank Ho wiebed to exdude Mr Hamilton and Mr Tome but tto Into chairman (Mr 8 aad Mr Kricbenff had been loMMtod with tbe tank from tbe outset and the tetter had been one of tbe liquidator The etareboldera were quite joatified in blaming them for the micfartuMo that tad bate ex perienced to the bank (Hear bear) If they looted at the figures they woold find that tbe capital paid up wee £f87MO and tta balanoe abrct showed a loan of £394160 The directors tad credited themodveo with £88000 they got from tta Ooramereial Bank and if they added that to Ae torn of £894160 tee tom of capital would amount to £878180 a mot dirgmcetnl state of affaire (Haar bear) They bad £889 to be divided amongst the shareholders that would give a dividend of 3f)d to those who who tad subscribed £387500 Tbe director were not justified te fairing any credit tor getting £66000 from the Commercial Bank for tta goodwill It was a sHce of teck that they had been abte tonal! their wseteago audit they had not got it tectoad of getting a dividend they would have tod to pay a eau (Hear bear) They mutt esrictially thank tbo late chairman (Mr Gyd) and Mr Krietauff that they tad the grand Wum of £889 to divide out of £887500 When the amalgamation took piece tto taairasan tad told them that tto capital of tta tank was intact Ho well knew at tta time that it was nearly all gome and how could be Jmtify hie rtatamentel At tta masting held three moatta laevioualy to (Mr Wadoy) had nggeeted that tee money then in hand should bo divided That tad aot been done and tta result waa tint tta amount available had been reduced alttoogh not fay a very large mm and to hoped teat they would at erne wind up tto affairs of tto tank they tad made a great an Make te net pofoenstag tea final mrvioe at previous meetings Mr BtaMn aoeonded Carried unani mously Maseru Wadoy and WDon having been appointed to rign tto minutes tto mooting torn tented HINDMARSH TRAMWAY OOM PAST The half yearly meeting cl the Adelaide and Htedmarte Tramway Company waa told at the office of tto secretary (luTj Bsdlayh Hindleyetreet on Triday January 80 when there waa a fair attendance and tta chairman of directors (AlJwman Hagedorn) presided The directors' report stated that "Toe traffig reoeipta an the highest foe any half year during tta pact five yean and thia fact in facs at the unfavorable oeMon tor the beech traffia your directors eceridm encouraging Your have written £400 off tta can and £71 off the hone stock tens aaakfa*g tbo estimated value of tto oars £8M and £800 each and tto tenon £11 10a ends" Tto report art out that ''Daring the part ball year the number of passengers carried over bote fines has been 841861 exciu rive of pasoongen by special care and tta traffic roompta £8861 10a 8d £8750 of that amount being fares Tbe lines are in good order serf when tto projected new bridge at near Henley Beach Hotel io completed tbe stoppage of tee traffic by floods will I hope bo prevented Twenty one boeom have been par stared during tbo part half year We have now 81 to stock with tta exception at three all to good working order The oars ate kept to thorough repair and are to good order Tta profit and lorn aooount was ae follows To belsnea from half year ending July 9 1890 £7987 17a lid maintananoeof line £171 1 a lli traffic charges £1661 10a 7d horse fodder amount £1983 9 Id totarert on loon account £471 IM 8d general chargee £387 4a Id written off for deterioration ot torso stock £78 4a 4d do no £400 £11816 17 fid By traffic rooripte £8858 10 fid manure asoewut £85 10s mail ooo trarts £35 lbs IDd advotirin on ears balance £877 Is 17s Tae Chaibma to moving the adoption of tbe report regretted that tta board was not to a and tta hom*o stock and cars tad been written down te a fair value He drew attention to a paragraph appraring to Tta Adeertimr no to tto power of etottritity and fate own opinion was that until they altorad their prooont aseano of locomotion they could tardly expert to make tta ooaopany a profit able undertaking Tta time however had nrt ye arrived ter fan to adopt tiooteleUy or make any alteration Tta Uno was in good repair and woe now again open to Hridey Beach Mr Kabdou ao Doodad tta motion write was carried Mt Raiima drew attention to wtat te re garded ao tta large amount for tta half year for traffic otargoa compared with otter ponodi Mr Lyots pointed ent tbe apparent tooream waa duo to tee tort tert tee hooka were kept diffntentiy now and that tenrieed wrn dearer at certain periods Mr A Wnavu asked It tta eownony osnld uot te to formed eo that they eouldpay off tte £18000 which wm owug Mr Lyows said te tad gone into that matter esrehilly tot tto Base tod not yet nmivod lor fan to reform tbo company Ttay miebt rearrange tte company on a teem of oay £800800 capital as the amount to te paid off woold take about the outside When they got a little further ahead ttay would con sider tto subject tat things wore not ripe TRADES AND LABOR OOUNOIL ah doom union of tte two loading labor bodies (Hear tear) Tte SccMSAkY (Mr A MoPtamn) Employes Aooodation In doing so te said that ttay teileri with satisfaction tte tort tert tbe Maritime Labor Oocnoil tad again root detente to tto Sydney Csafscms Komimtiou for Mecars Ohariirtsu A A Kirkpatrick Mellor Gold and Hoonah Vice If saws Wbrntaq Gold A Oook Tiuacwor Mr Bataon (elected) Trncncial ernsiaij Mmma Buttery Jenkin Loader Ollivor Pudnsy McKeown Awfiton Mams Regers Olfivm and Bwnrt Par tiammrtary In addition to tte retiring asembum wta warn oligMs tec se dation Means Dcrtfsa EL Part try Weeds Dsssfitsr niwntean A A mortiug of tte Trodm and Labor Omoa was held at tta Beltane Hotel oc rider January 80 when tta pmddsnt (Mr Dutton occupied the ctair and welcomed tbe followiag now If mil John eomcU an csplonatToa of a rooert psmeutol ta him on behalf of tte lutiinii fem pom wittes that geuthmaa tarttar explained to detegatM teat onto Mwsa nrt givon tta epirien of tta committoo awtaio tat ctapiy as tta tedi Mr Boons laid on tbo table tea cnBuaifopmtot tta Steed Minm and fedsetrioc and to doing so repotted teat ae ttde iiniiiBtiliryou tta msmtil of tert tody toted attended all the meetings bold with tin ssotativo of tto Council upon the booed of tta IlCbonl of Mtom aad ladnateieo The prepeti tion baring tom mended sad supported tte PtaSBin mid that tta ateonco riMrgm horn tea two aoeotinro referred Io was due to fllaem mtbatbte ateoodauoo wm practically mettoucua (Hoar teat) Be Mid a high Jrifanto to tta energy and ability of Bogces who tad worthily morenated tbon Tta Motion wm ttan carried uaaataooaly Bony th on had cwriod ant Hs datioe (Cheers) Mr Ohaumtok propaood Cm? MISS NELLIE STEWART Aartralis'i charming prime donna came of a histrionio family Her father Mr Richard Stewart io one of the beat known and cleverest of colonial Maxediaos while her sisters Dooy (Mrs Harwood) and Maggie long ago made tteiv mark on the Aaa tralian stage Richard Stewart jun too has began a theatrical career which promises exceedingly well In tte early Mvontim whan Mn Boott Biddon was playing Shakes pearian parte in Melbourne Mr Stewart (who interpreted the oharaoter of Verges) with his three daughters sang tte pretty quartette "Sigh no more ladies which fiada an appropriate place to tte comedy of Mute Ado About Nothing Nellie began at the foot of tte ladder tat her beautiful voice tee excellent noting and her attrac tive faoe and figure all helped her in mounting to tte top Many operas have been made raocMrfal by ter tongue and talent tat it was not tilt early in 1890 that abc went into management on net own account Then at tta Opera Hoose undec the direction of Mr George who tad just previously covered bis eanneetion with Messrs Willismstm tte took Melbourne by storm with Paul following up ter euoeeoo with 11 At Sydney equal fortune wm in store for her and having concluded a most enthusiastic farewell season in Melbourne she sail for England next week to begin a career on tta London boarda May it te a happy and a ptosparowi one THE LATE WATERSIDE STRIKE Mamed foe taring refused to tow tte coal when Mr Bromley and Ms Tiswelih tad it is alleged duly chartered reseels to being tto eeel to MaUwesno Tbo committoo dte claim all reepcnribilty to tte gas strika and state that ttay strove to prevent it The responsibility of this sinks te MELBOURNE COMMITEEB REPOST (rom tta Melbourne Aryus of ebruary 8) or soma weeks part Mr Murphy tte secretary of tte strike committee of the Trades Hall Council tec tern engaged in pre paring avtinminoM report dealing with tte strike Tte extraordinary bulk oi tte docu comprising aa ft will do 90 pages of closely printed is attributed fay Mr Morphy to his taring felt compelled to deal minutely with every matter oocneeted with tte strike from tbe Trades Hall point of view 8mm tte termination of tbe strike keen dis content tea prevailed amongst the trades owing to tto fact of no report ata fiaaaitial state ment having been issued by tte committee and al tte meeting of tbe council a fortnight tinea Mr Hanco*ck tta president of tbe oosnmittee wm compelled to promise that at tbe minting of tte council to be held last riday tta report would be submitted Mr Murpoy had his report duly drawn up by Thursday evening last tat tte committee could not sufficiently consider it in time foe the meeting on tbe following night Yesterday mocningthe strike committee met again at tbo Tradea Hall and finally approved of tbe re post only adding one paragraph The report commences by reviewing thewTnt appointment to undertake the task of endeavoring to enforce compliance with tte donisnrts of tte Marine Aworiaticn that they should te permitted to te affiliated with tte labor organisation and tbe committee declares that its teak has teen without parallel in the history of trade uniontan in Australia Throughout the re port the committee misoes no opportunity of throwing the responsibility of tta strike on to tte sbcmlders of tta Steamship owners' As sociation and lauding tbe trades tor their patience throughout a losing game and thieir in tte cause of trade Mfonism Oontidcnbie epaM is devoted to explaining tta peculiar combination of dr cumrtaocM with which tte committee had to cope from tte commencement of tte strike Tta labce trouble throughout tte world prior to tta state tbe discontent among Australian workmen tta effort of general depynisinn on tte labor market and tte arrival of emigrants misled by alleged fafiarioM Colonial Office pamphlets are all Especial stress is laid upon the and the committee claim that tte shipowners would never have brought tta state to a bead if it bad not been for their presence in excep tionally large numbm in tte community Tte late coalition Government have incurred tbe condemnation of tte committee aad they are charged with having teen in collurion with tte shipowners to create by a refusal to establish relief works an army of unemployed with which tto shipowners oould raooevsfoUy defy the trades nnums rom this tta com mittee dednoe tte lesson that tte trade unioos must abandon their pcevioue ex dutiveceoc As regards the aotual origin of tta strike tte committee have tat one ex plonation and that that it wm caused by tte Association and tte Employer union Touching tta aotual point in dispute vis tte affiliation with Jaber of the marine officers tte committee data that tta mariM offioero had mush right to affiliate with the Trades Hall Oounoil tte shipowner tad to affiliate with tta Employers7 Union With regard to the demands of the marine officers for insreased pay tte committee point cut that these con stitatod merely a miter Isene of tte dispute Tta cMbsrittM profess to discover in the position taken up by tte shipowners during tta negotiations immediately prior to tte declaration of the strike evidence to prove that tto shipowners courted a struggle They are accused of having been utterly wanting in a spirit of iwwdfatiOT and Mr Servise's fitter expressiug regret at tte refusal of tto Em Union to a eonfssenm at a sertsia stage is a matter et eourse cited tn this con nection Tte abipownero are mocoovsr ao ouaed of having delaying an answer to tta letters from the officers asking for a cou forewen All tte principal inetdewto in the strike mo minutely described with efforts to remove reepentibUity from tto shoulders of tta committer and to impute insincerity arbitrari nier end antoedty totto steamohip ownen and Tto refusal of Ito marine engineers to leave tte engine rooms to admitted to bare teen a osrioM obrtabie to the efforts of tte CMomittee to bring tta stake to a termi nation by a ouwplrts stoppage of tto stripping As to the failure of tte eocomittee to supply tta MattMOM public with omL and co obtain tte men in order to make them strike and bring about a reeotson in tta public Kipathy which bad been setting in towards ontantota cause Tte lindeee park meeting is referred to at length and maeh Phillip stevedore laborers the Committee emtaatimUy state that although ttav wore suececsfnl in oatiafettorily settling it they ted no part in bringing it about Tie committee farther disclaim all responsi bility in connection with tbe otaareee otrita and that tte Melbourne committee aad their repreaeutetivea in Sydney strongly opposed it Tbe committee are naturally sorely Mgrieved as to tte action of the Marine Offieera Association at the last Tta Oollapoe of tte atiika they declare em taMeallr was due to eiroumrtaaom outride victoria and over which tto committee had rib central Jt is claimed however that some victories for trade unionism were gained at tte various public eastings told to eonrida tte rtHta and which it held were mainly in ateumontal in bringing about tta downfall of tte late ooalitiou Minirtij and tte formation of the present one In addition to their opponent tto committee condemn sfeongly tte late Ministry especially Mr attamasod Dr Pearson and also tte press OotawlPrio and Champion Tte thanks of tte am mfttee are specially awarded to Ms Service Mr Lyell and tte Mayor of Sydney fa their efforts fa tte direction of mediation and te hb Honor tto Chief Juetio Bis Bryan O'L tghle the ladies' bazaar committee and to several members and ex members of Parlia ment In conclusion tte committee urge tte Anstrelian federation ot labor tte establish ment of a defence fond tte abolition of exclu sive entrance tea to uaions and the necessity of all unionists taking out rights The unioos are bidden to remember that when they offered peace they suffered coer cion" and to carry out tte motto Close asso ciation watchfulness and There an appendix to the report of the various strike mAnifeetoes Ao and copies of comspondenoe THEN Baid a rood car driver to a newsboy on leet Out of the road my AU right old aventeen boaro a day and ton minutM for dinnee getting out of the This little bit brings forcibly to our minds tte long hours which the omnibus men of London are obliged to ait on tte box of au omnibus exposed to aU weathers and tbe worst climate under tte sun I man under tta tun five months and under smoke tto balance tbe year Well these poor feUows often contract rtaumatian neuralgia and gout and were ft not for that grand old and reliable remedy Bt Jacobs oiL they would have a far harder time than they do tat nearly every driver aad eonduotos of an omnibus in London earner a bottle of Bt Jacobo They swear by tte saintly fl aid and well they may for Bt Jacobs oil acts like magic It has a world wide reputation It ha received ten gold medals at different inter national exhibitions for tte mavellooe power to ease pein at once It has the largest esle of any medicine in the world It penetrateo deep It powerful It wholly an outward application and has no equal on earth BREAKING THE RULE Mr Thoma Lloyd Repository Pembroke place Liverpool Eogland writes "As a rule I object to givieg tatimouiab or in any way endorsing proprietary mediana tat on hearing such wonderful good things said of Bt Jacobs oil I prooared a one half gross ease which I have used about my rtabla and given away to my friends Without going into particulars I vul fa every instance where ft ha teen applied to oases on these premises it ha effected a cure Ttaa of my mends who have used the oil a far a I have heard from speak in tte highest terms of its pain relieving qualities I have not learned of a angle instance where it tee failed to do aU on claim tat it but on tta otter band know torn personal knowledge of Mees of rheumatic soot neuralgia stiff joints and sprains of long steading which have been greatly benefited and cured by application St Jacobs oil" Sold by chemists and dealan in patent medicines Wholesale depot for South Messrs AM BICKORD and Adelaide A LOST TREASURE Mr Wm Morgan Chairman of tbe Puke kote(NZ) Eart Highway Board writes a "During harvesting operations in January last one of my boys had tte mta foetune to lorn hb Waterbury but when bn ted no idea He searched tte paddock but oould not discover tbe tost treasure A few days ago however one of our neighbors picked it up wound it and it started to go at ones afttougb it ted teen lying on tta ground exposed to tte weather for two months Barely such a fart worthy of record tor tta popular Waterbury THE WATERBURY ha received eulo gistic notiea from all tte leading journals in Great Britain and Ireland It a genuine reliable accurate and durable keylea watch fa nickel silver ever faright ease It runs twenty right hours with one winding irgnlrta to a minute a month and rarely goto out of order To te obtained from all respectable storekeepers and dealers throughout the colonies Series (tbe old loog windtog favorite) 13 6d Series or (the new short winding marveb) with enamelltd dials Ms fld each BE MISLED INTO BUYING CHEAP SWISS WATCHES UNDER ANCY NAMES Tbe Waterbury Watch not alone the cheapest wateh in tte world to tay tat ft i also tbe oteapert to have repaired Repairs are starged lor according to requirements tat in no com do ttay exceed Sa 6L exoetd by mutual agDMSDeat Tta Waterbury Watou Company' Repair Depot at 6 Qawier plaee Adelaide Noto tte address COLGATE'S OABHMEBE BOUQUET Toilet Bmp made with tto ubnjst mn from materials selected with tta GREATEST REGARD OR PURITY And tta soothing and beneficial effect which ttay impart to the skin and oompbxion or tte handkerchief no preparation can compare with CASHMERE BOUQUET PERUME Ttename and trade mark of Colgate A Oo on each article assures pursiwem of superior and nnform quality Their various exhibits obtained tte Highest Awards at London U87 Newcastle 1887 Ostend 1888 and GOLD MED AL PARIS 1889 Bold by all leading Otambto and Perfumers DR SCOTTS Electric Hair Brushes will positively cure Nervous Headaote or Nea ralgia in five minutes if used aooordiag to directions In ordinary everyday use they will promptly arrest falltag hair and baldness dandruff and dbeasaot the salp anl make tbe bair grow leog aad glossy Thea teaati fui brushes ere made with pure bristles not wires which injure tte scalp and oaute bald pts and irritation Illustrated price list of Dr Genuine Elettrio Appiianca ported tree to any address on application to the PALL MALL ELKOTRTO ASSOCIATION 6 Gawlar plaoe Adelaide gxSfiflol Mr Joseph Johnson Jun of Port Wako I 640 tnnnunca bb aandidatars foe ttesettur Wocrmra rendered vacant by tta dosUi of Mr KeUy TERRIBLE TRAGEDY IN GILLES STREET A MAN SHOOTS HIS WIE A LITTLE BiBY WOUNDED One of thou terrible domestis tragedies which fortunately an exceedingly ran in Adelaide occurred on Monday afternoon when Obsrlee Lowlnthal a painter fired several shots st hi wife from a revolver aad then made a fable attempt to end hb own life The scene of tta tragedy wa the creche or day nursery in GUles etnet where the principal victim wm employed a servant aad the attendant oircamstances are exceedingly dutresring SCENE THE TRAGEDY Tbeoreobe situated on tbe aoathero side of Gilleaatreet two doors east of Symoods plaoe and adjoining it an enclosed plea ot ground The portion of tte cottage used tbe nunery Um some few yards off the road way with a passage shut off by a gate running between it aad tta main part of the premises Miss Heimann is tte matron ot tta oreohe which wm estabhhed by a number of charitable ladies of tta city for tbe purpom ot enabling women who have to go out working for their living to lave their children to te properly oared for in tbe day time at a very low charge Tte matron wm on Monday absent tbroogh ill health tat two of her drtero were looking after tte nursery and when Lowinttel went there and attached hb wile there were 19 children on tte premises then ms varying from three months to five yean The tragedy hs pening it did in the heart ol the city where so many people were about of eoaree quickly attracted a great crowd to tte spot and among tte first arrival wm Detective Rea who live opposite The majority ol thorn who wen startled by tte report of the revolver did not appear to know exactly what to do and tte most striking feature after the perpetration of tbe crime and in fart before it wm completed wm the remarkable presence ot mind and promp titude dbplayed by a girl 13 yean of age a outer of tte matron THE SHOOTING Exactly at halt paal 3 o'clock Lowinlhal weot to tte nursery and opening tte front gate taw bis wife sitting with a taby on her knew on a door step in tte paseage running between the large room used a a nunery and the cottage proper Hit appearance wa threaten ing and that be had teen drinking wm pnved by tta plainly perceptible odor of alcohol In a menacing votae te demanded from his wife that ate should give up one of hb children Mrs Lowinttel replied that a te wa unable to maintain himself and tar he certainly oould not keep his children Ho called hb little girl (Minnie) a year and a halt old who wm pbying at ter i3e aad when she tried to ran away snatched her up in his arms Hb wife wm nursing Jama Heffernan who tad just that day reached tte age ot thia months She rushed after nod caught Lowinttel by tte time te had reacted the gate leading to tte passage and succeeded in getting her own child from her husband Lowinttel turned round pulled a revolver from hb pocket and fired five shots at tbe woman three of which took effect one entering her head another ter aide and tte third entering her thigh Tta poor little infant eta wm nursing received a fourth bullet in bb thigh and hb olotba wore set alight A filth shot went down the paanga just missing the sister of tbe matron and Lowinttel pre omably then attempted to shoot himself a bb tet wm scorched and there wm a slight mm on his forehead Mrs Lowinttel fell and Mus Hermann seiring the injured infant rushed inside got all the children who wers playing about with ter in tte house and locked tte doors and windows Sto ex tinguished the burning clothe fa which baby Heffernan wm clad and went outride where a crowd had collected Detective Bva who live opposite on harry tag to the eoewe aw Mrs Lowinthsl wm badly wounded and having secured tte husband who wm standing by ordered tbe woman's removal to Dr Oarbin's surgery in King WilUaD atrat Tte doctor at oom cent her to tte Adelaide Hospital when it wm dis covered that she had ban injured a indicated nd ha wounds wore dressed STATEMENT BY AN EYE WITNESS Tta only eye witnees capable of describing tbe tragedy excepting Mrs Lowinttel terself wm a pretty intelligent girl ot about 13 years of age a sister of ttematrou When a reporter of thb pop called at tbe oreote on Monday evening she wm in company with an alder rirta and gave an exceedingly dear and particular account of tte ooeurreace Bte said "At exactly half part 8 thb afternoon Mm Lowinttel who wm tte servant at the nunery wm sitting cn tte doorstep ot tbe large room on tte eastern side ot the passage with Mrs Heffernan's baby in tar arms I wm standing beside and tte other batritt were asleep in their oote Bone children were playing in tbe room and Minnie Lowinttel who is eighteen months old wm berido ber mother We beard a noire at the gate and Mrs Lowinttel said Here's some one The gate opened and Me Lowing thal dame fa Mrs Lowinttel arid "Wall wbat do you want 7 He replied fiercely 1 want one of my children She said WoU if you cannot manage to keep me and youreelf you cannot manage to keep one of our children and you wont get one' He re torted Well I want one and Mra Iiowfa thal made no reply Ttan little Minute who always ran when tar father came sought tte protection of ter mother Lowinttel old Come on toy dear little lifted her up in hb area and Minnie began to cry Mn Lowinttel looked into tte nursery and Lowinttel began to walk quickly towards the gate which ta tried to ofea sites him Hb wite however wm too quick although eta tad tte baby Heffernan in prevented Mm doing so at the same time piteously 'Give me my baby you are not to take ter out with out bee tat He grid No I wont or something to that effect Bte made a rash at Mm and succeeded fa getting tar little girl out of his arms Ho ttea quickly pat hb hand down to hb aide and taking a revolver out ot bb pocket before she scold gel task raised his am and fired right at ter when she wm just by him I rushed round tte corner of tte pasesge and felt something like smote go pert my fees I got all tte children in tto bouse fholuding Jama Heffernan and looted tte dooes and windows Tbe ofottae wen on fire and I put out tte flames I beard six shots fired in rapid snocestion tod the noise woke all tbe children In a mlnuto or lass I beard a lot ot people in front and went out and touad a crowd gathered I asked if anyone had been to tbe and no one appeared to know I then said to same gentleman 'Will you took after tte children while I pot on my bat and go for bim? He consented aad I went to Dr When I got there tte doctor told me that Mrs Lowinthsl bad been seat to the hospital and I wm informed Detective Ra ted taken Lowin thal to the police station Up to that time I did not know that little baby Heffernan wa shot but tte doctor saw that he was and told me so I teasd four shots before I rushed to go inside then two more aod ft wm jortasl bend tta first ot there and turned round the pesage that I felt something go part my fees My sister (tta matron) away ill but my otter sister here and had gone out lost a few minutes before oo betid the children there were only Mrs lowintbal and myself at tte nursery None ot tte children slap here neither doa Mrs Lowinthsl who has been tte serrate for about three weeks Tte children ace brought fa tte morning by their parents and are taken away in tta evening Just half an hour before Lowinthsl came the late matron wm at tte Ae tbo result of farttar conversation tta reporter elicited that Dowinthal had ap parently been drinking te smelt ot liquor He had teen aeon tanging about tta plea some days before and wm told to go away "1 think" the young lady added "that he wm making himaU acquainted With tta pres bee As soon I aw hb she continued I knew that Lowlnthal was going to do some thing He looked oo hard and fierce with a peculiar expreorion of He used to wm the reply to another question "that Mused tte mparation Mrs Lowinttel told me that they used to live near tte Moun tain Hot for five or six years bat she had to leave him becaua of hb druntanneaa and bad been away from him for some mouths Bte told mo she wm 29 years of age and she wm a woman of good oharaoter I oonoludod tte yoong tody I do not do wrong in tailing you all and on tta reporter assuring her that she did not she appeared somewhat relieved and modestly acknowledged a compliment ho paid her on tar eoolnea and courage remark ing It wm a wonder I wm not shot and so it WM THE STATEMENT Detective Rea who verities opposite the ntuaety ttotao that he wm at home reading the paper when ta beard two loud reporta i quick suocestion Thinking something was wrong ta rushed into the street where be aw a woman with a baby in tec arms and a man firfa*g al tar Six shots were fired One shot struok the baby in the thigh while three otters hit tbe woman Ho anestod the man who did not seem the wone tor liqnor but wm very much excited Oo hie way to tte watchhoase Rm went for Dr Corbin who on bb arrival inrtroeted Ow stable Pawsow and himself to convey Mrs Lowinttel to tte Adelaide Hospital THE PRINCIPALS Charles Lowinttel a painter by trade and about 80 yean ol sge Some five or six yean ago he and his wife lived at the Mountain Hot bat owing to her husband' drunken hsbit Mrs Lowiathal wm compelled some month linoe to leave him aad seek a separate abode Ho vn very angry at her departure and his feeling on this point believed to have been tte motive for the crime There are two a boy William a little over five years of age aad a E'rl Minnie about a year and a halt old Mn owinttal had been acting a eervant at the creche for about three weeks but ate did not steep at that eetoblbhmeet only going there fa the morning and tearing at night Lowinttel dm apparently been Indulging lately fa the habit which Mused the btoaou with fate wife shown by hb resent ap pearance before tte city magbtratee on a charge ot attempted euiride Oo tbe evening of December 87 he purchased torn strychnine at a ctamisfs in tta city and later on took 10 grains of tte poison He wm met by a friend whom ta informed ta tad taken poison by mistake Ha wm placed under proper medical attendana and recovered from tta dote Ths potee took the matter up and on December 81 he wm charged before tta police magistrate (Mr Pates) by Inspector Sallivan with attempting to eommit suicide but wm re manded till January 7 Tte dafena Lowinttel put forward wm that te bad been drinking heavily and had taken the steyehafaa fa mistake for salts Thb stateaeent wm borne out by 'eridsnotb and when tbo mm camo on fa baring the second time Mr Pater diimissed it statiug that te ms confidant tte dalendant had prison S' mistake while under tte infloona of drink wm accordingly liberated from custody Tte Infant who wm shot in tte left thigh wm left al tta encta in tta morning by Mn Heffernan tbe wife of Thoma Heffernan who at present working at Broken HilL Tte child reached tte ago ot 8 months on Monday morning LOWINTHAL BEORE THE DOUBT At tbe Adelaide Polia Ooart before earn Pater PM Well Hooper Leonard Otempeon and Crawford on Tuesday morning Oharla Lowinttel wm charged with having i discharged a firearm with fatent to murder hb wife Minnie Lowinttel Tte prisoner a German well built of medium stature with tte light tab of hb race He appeared quite cool and unoonarned and did not trouble to ask either of tbe witneesM any qaastiona In spector Sallivan peoeeeuted Caleb Joyee medical practitioner of Ade laide obd bouM surgeon ot tte Adelaide Hospital said ho rewired Minnie Bowin ttal at tbe above inrtitutioa at 35 minotes part 4 on Monday aftaraooa Bte wm brought there by Ocwrtable Rea On admission ate wm coffering from shock and on being taken out of tte cab eta vomited undigested food and blood She wm suffering from three gunshot wounds There wm owe in tbe back of tta hod a little to tbe right ttal merely grasad tte skin A wound in tte bit ride puuetratsd tte akin over tte rite in a line with tta armpftaud tta ballet wm found lying under tbs win in tbe front ot tte abdomen and could easily be felt The third wound wm just above tte left hip joint and tte bullet oould not te found Tte eiottee and hair at tte tack ot the bead were singed and smalt of burning Tte elottes were perforated in position oorren ponding to the two lower wounds Tte dress and stays were slightly ringed at tbe rituotfon of the wounds in tta ride Dr Gardner made an inetaon down on to tbo bullet and extracted it It is tte one produced and weielM 123 grains They had not found any bullet in tte hip Dr Garina opened tte abdominal Mvity ari found that tte stomach ted teen perforated in twoplaoo He pared the edges ot tte wounds and sewed there up and removed several largo blood clots from tte abdominal eerily The bullet shattered tte aventh rib fa it eoaree peering just below tte spleen Tto wound to tbe hip to not of a very eerioae otarsoter although around tte spot the flesh io much bruised Tte woman wm to a very low condi tion till about 9 when she recovered a little She still in dangre but going on well Moan be expected and not at preseat to Imminent danger Tte ballet found in the body oould be fired Irom tte revolves produced John Wilson Rea poltoe constable said be knew tte prisoner and hb wife At 880 pan on ebruary 3 he wm in his own bouse opposite the create in GUtee otreet when te beard two reports of a firearm to quick euoas riou and screosM ol murder Baa out but before he could get across tte street bo heard tte report of three shot The prisoner's wife tan out ot tte gate ot the day norwiy into Gilleo rtrertooreamiM Murder he's shot me Prisoner followed her to tte fence aad presenting tte revolver produod at her prated tbe trigger aad ft snapped Rotted at tte prisoner te had tte revolver still rooking to bb band As witnere reacted ent to Mtrii bold of him defendant's hand drooped and te exclaimed to tte eoMtabta Oh you know me" at tte reme time throwing tte weapon oat ol his hand Called out "Hollo I Wtat gasa thbl Prisoner teplbd "Ste has rutted me" at tta tame time pointing to hi wife Ho also said WILLIAM Mr William McKinley Jun ot Ohio author ot tta McKinley Tariff Act is a mau international reputation Every European country has tad something to my about the measure which represents according to it opponent tta "high water mark of proteo Its author affirms that not to any detail doa it go beyond tbo reqairemeato ot American industry and Mr Blaine one of its wannest supportae ha jurt defended it from tbe charge that its effect is to lower wage At tte recent "tall Mr McKinley wm defeated to bb renewed candidature for Ohio bat te expressed a sanguine belief that the decision would te reversed two years tana when hb ei divant ooMtitmats understood the tariff Hi defat wm a heavy lorn to tte Republicans ia tte Hju of Representatives whose leader he tad been He wm Ohairmaa of tte Oomautta of Ways and Means the moot important committee to tte House wage I will kill or "I have killed but witness oould not swear to tbe exeat words used A young man named Potter who livre in Symon place went to the asirtanoe of Mrs Lowinttel who wm standing in tte centre of tbe strut Told Potter to take tbe wooure into the nunery and that te would send down a doctor at once Sent lor Dr Oorbin and then took prisoner to tbewattaboMe Left him there and at auce proceeded back to tbe pica Met Dr Oorbto coming from Gilla etaert and in coneeq auaot wtat he said witaeu had Mrs Lowinthsl and a baby named Jama Heffernan who had a ballet wound in tbe left thigh conveyed to the Adelaide Hospital Tta re volver produced wm the one used It is a dx ehambered one and five cartridges in ft had been recently discharged Une chamber wm loaded with tte cartridge produced Tbe pin tad evidently struck tta cip but tbe cartridge did not explode Oa searching the prisoner at the ptdioe station found the box of cartridges produoed in bis posression and tte bullets fitted tta fire arm Oroa examtoed by Inspector Sullivan Prboner wm inside tte nursery fense when bb srifo came out of tbe gate and called out Told prisoner the charge anl cautioned him but be made no statement Tta prisoner wm remanded till ebruary 16 MRS DEPOSITIONS Tbe following are tbe depositions of Mrs Iiowentbal tta victim of tta tragedy enacted at the DayNtmeryin Gilleo stnrt lart Mon day afternoon which wore taken before Mr erguses JP at tta Adelaide Hospital oa Monday night I inw sitting on the doorstop aurstog my taby when my husband cmm in He I want owe of the I 'You have them at The baby wm tan ning about and ta picked ft up and took it outride I walked after him and said 'Give me the baby ata hM no hat Ho aid 'Get ter I took tte taby from bim but be took hold ot the child's foot and held ft and while ta wm bolding ft he palled something out of hb cost pocket He pulled a revolver out of bis pocket and he fired at me I ran out of tbe bate eiih tta twotetfla to my snns He got me up against tbe wall aad fired at me four times He fired tta shots one after tbe otter The fifth shot wm blank and all tte shots did not hit me three hit ma and tte fourth shot hit tta taby that I bad to my aims A detective oame in ttan and caught bold of him I called out Murder It wm Mrs Heffernan's baby I had in my arms and that tbe child that wm shot The primor my busbend and te wm the man who fired tteehotoatme Prisoner wm tare asked if be bad any questions to ask bb wife but ta mid It wm at tbo Day Nonary in Gillen street where I wm working where tte ooear lenoe took DEATH MRS LOWINTHAL Tbe principal victim of the tragedy Mrs Minnie Lowtnttal died to tta Adelaide Hospital at 30 minutes to 9 o'clock on Tneodsy night Tte infant who wm also shot by tte pebcoer wm progrosiDg favorably oould be exported MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION Tbe anual meeting of tta Municipal Asso ciation ot Booth Australia wm held at tta Ofty Chamber on riday afternoon when there were present the Mayor of Ade laide (Mr Ootan MP president) Mtsere Tooker (Mayor of Port Adelaide) A Palma (Mayor of Kapuoda) Ware (Maya ot Glenelg) A Motudon (Mayor et Sk Peters) Kennedy (Mayor of Serna pterckJoa Vaden (Mayor of Htodmanh) wm West (Mayor of tte Buna) Vina Smith (My of Ualey) Heodogway (Mayor ot netertoc) Cox (Mayor ot Gawla) Bickford (Maya ot Brigh ten) OouseiDorc Dvia (Wallaroo) Reid (Htodmareb) Garr (Unleyj hnirter (Kenotogtoo aad Norwood) Sampson (Bomb Cuming (Ttetarton) Hamana (Bi Paters) Bsswon ffiitastsm AdaMe Mr Tucket (Mayor ot ort Adelaide) wm elected vireprertdent Mr Bickford (Maya ot Brighton) treasurer and the town clerk ot Kanstogton and Norwood and Urt city tsuMura auditore The Municipal Corporations Bill wm fly discerned and ft wm decided that a deputa tion should waft upon tte Government asking them to introdua a Bill eatly next eesrian giving efleet to part 19 of the Municipal Cor paatame Bill ot 1890 It wm detided to weft upon tte Government ta tta parpoa ot asking them to introdua a Bill authabtog oapemtiona to provide gM end electricity lor sale a Bill to gmsad the Bread Aot and a Bill to ameud the Plaoa ot Amusem*nt Act It wm also received to take no action with regard to tbe Steam Boilers Inspection Bill ROADS IN THB ROMB DISTRICT Ou Monday morning tta Hou 0Loghlin ML0 Messrs MP and GBee MP waited on tte Treasurer and oompbined that all the district ooundls in tte district of rome were dismtis fled at the amount ot money granted them for tte maintesmna ot mam road Tte Port Gecmata oounoil cocaptained that they had not enough money to kap their ordinary staff of men going far tte seston Tte Yongala ooantil wanted a grant to maintain tto rood between Peteeeburg and Dawson The Orroroo council wanted ngrant to make a road between Pekina and White Cliff and tbe mate rood through tbe town Tte TMOBum pointed out that although he had apparently been granted £10000 more ttan hb predecessor tbe money tad been allotted during Mr time He bad apportioned to tte oouneUs tte same amount were given that gentleonan Members of tte deputation pointed out that tte traffic on tbe road wm very teary and tte councils bad been unable to get the 10 in tte £1 of rata agreed to by arliamsnt Tbe Takssunu mid te could not give than that money until tte end of tta financial year When tbe eountils eertified tbe amount of rote they tad collected tta money sroold Im granted them The amount appropriated for main teemna wa neariy all expended and be could not help them bat it they would send tn ttair claims for making new roads be would ere wtat te wold do Mr O'Loughuk said the most im portant roads were from Port Germain to Booteroo Centre and Petersburg to Dawson and something should be done to help tte oonneils to maintain them The admitted then wm a heavy traffic tat ta bad no fund thb year and tte noaneilomurtdo tte beat they could with tbe 10 grant that ttay would get Mr said that money should te spent on tte dirtriot road Tta TMaaoan said it could scent on wtaia roada Ha bad no monre to gtvo these Ttay ted tta sacM aooount previously and ta oould not inoreoM ft oxapt by reduatagettara and that could hardly te done IBB AT PORT AD1LAIDB The city corona (De Whittali) an Tuesday morning held au inquest into tte eaua ot tte fire which occurred on tbo premisa ot Mesuk Jos Mamy A Son Part Addaido on Sstar dsy evening Captain Brum watoted tta proceedings on behalf ot tte Booth Australian Insarana Company and Mr Yoiil foe othm oompaaiea Mi Hills wm elected fonoM ot the jury Michael Conlon Custooe tide euieoyos staled that at 23 minutes to 11 on Saturday eveaieg te wm passing Murray ft Bonh so tablbhmeat He detected a ssmU ot fire aad drew the attention ot Mr Piaard it They looked aronad and me a glimmer of fire fa the stop farthest away from Mr butchering estab lishment TM shop eoarert to appeared to te fa darknoM at the time Tte fire wm in tbe trout whoa te caw ft but te oould aot oa whetter then were Ammo al the rear of tte prembeo He knocked at tte doa but receiving no rospona te abroad tte police and they immediately cent for tte brigade Tte brigade arrived very ptoaptif and quickly axtingniahj tte fis Mr William Murray a euttar who manage tte burineM carried on unda tte title of Meem Murray ft Sou stated that tte btuineas belonged to hie mothee About 14 or ft bands wore employed on tte nirr but no odo slept there Ho left the pre mises about 10 20 pm on Batiuday evening Tb stope were doeed at 8 o'clock when te left but te rctamot again about 9 10 pm by arrangement with a lady euetoma to serve ba and wm tbas occupied until about 10 15 There won on tte premises at the time himself tbo lady eue toma ter eon and daughter and Mr Hoddy bis aMietaot The lady left about 10 When te left shortly after 9 tte gM wm left alight so that then wm no Meosoftff to relight it when they returned later When they left finally for tta nigfal Mr Heddy turned off tte gM at both metant did not use any naked lights Tbe goods and fixtures were insured but tte fixtures in tta nerttera shop did not belong to him Ths Ineuiauoa srere effected for £500 tn tta Northern and ta believed for £1600 tta Colonial MutnaL Tbe insuranM policMs were tote out by bb late fatter When they took stack after hb decerce on January 6 last they found that tte tasinea tree then quite sound in ovary way He con sidered the hniinms a paying oonoorn aad they were ta a pnsitisn to mart all tbefe liabilities The burinam tad benefited by Mr Murray's decease They tad received £LQM on hb life BMurunee and a portion of thb had been used to psy tasinsm liabilitiM Tta portion that rocsained after doing thb wm plaoed at tte dispaal of tta business By Mr Wm taforsaed of the fire about 1115 on Saturday evening be wm then retiring to ted te oame straight back to tbe but the fire wm then all pat out Mr Haddy wa not premnfc Tte balance sheet drawn up on January 10 wm produced to show tbe financial position of tto matures Ho wm not a potaain the borineas He roughly estimated tta loss at from £700 to £800 Tta ummp received from Mr Moneyb life policy wm tanked aparatoly from tta buetoea account Bertram Haddy a drapery Mtistank employed fay Meas Mnmy ft Bon stated that five asristauto were employed in tbo stop aad ahowroomo ttay Mt at half part 9 on Saturday evening usual Baton leaving ttay straightened up the shop end while doing oo ttey received a memage from a lady who desired ttea to wait she wished te make some purchases Before ste earn ttey Mt tte premia fat a short time and returned agate later Before going out ho turned down tta gas leaving one gM rt alight in each shop When tte OMtoma omm to make ter purehaos be relighted tteotter burners with a safety match whioh te extin guished with his fingers when done with Tte toutinea completed Mr Murray coontad tte CMb and locked it and the books in tbe esifa They then drove away ta a cab When ttey left tte premise everything wm quite ssfru At tbe stocktaking early fa January ta' measured tte stock in hb own deportment and Mr Murray noted ft down He did not know the amount ot tte valuation of the rtosih Could not give any suggestion as to tow tto fire originated Cyprian Hardy offioa in Ohargs of the Poet ire Brigade said that tta brigade flat put oat the fire ta tte drapery and then ta tto tailoring step He exaotaed all tte rm joto and found they wore all turned out He believed tte £re ted started on tbo north tide of tte drapery stop He thought that the fire in tto second shop wm an extension frosn tbe first Mr Murrey recalled by a Tta tact? lug apparatus used for tailoring purposes was upstairs ta the front ot tta moms shop After further evideuu had been taken tte jury returned a verdiet that there wm nothin to show tow the fire had occurred A HAWKER OUTS HIS THROAT Ab inquert WMhddattta Adelaida Hospital on Saturday moenfa*g by the city eoroner (Dr Whitteli) on tte body ot Hour Do Rix a hawker aged 64 yean wte died ta ttofarttte tioa the previous day from ittt ta the throat Dr Lowen states that doooMod wm admitted to tte hospital oa Wednesday He had a largo gash 6 ta bag aad 3ft ta dooy in tte throat Ho gradually sank and died on riday afbnoon tta canoB ot death bring hMotaou and taflaamatian of tta tango ome quent on tte wounds in tta throat Mrs De Rix stated that tar tantand tednotZooon at any work lot tte last 13 moatta Oa Wed nesday moonlBg wtaa she sqm at 5 o'clock tat husband oameintotar room and oomplained that be oould Mt get ata rest and ste advised bim to eo and Uo down again but bo smd No I have got a tot of wort to do and when you oome bask you will ns wtat I have Oa tar return at about 8 o'dock tar breakfast wm prcpmod ton ber but she oould not find tar husband till ata wot into tte yard Ho wm lying ta an out bows ob hb right ride with hb head on blanket folded up foe a pillow and tte noon wm lying mm him Tte Blanket wm antaratod with blood Bte sent tor De Hamilton who ordseod hb oeaaoval to tte hospital Ho ted been unda tbe treatment of Dr Hamilton too a few days previously for Engiirt otatara Tta razor produoed wm tar husband's and had bean used by him that morning tar staving Sosne rumors came to Ms oom abort ton months ago that his first wife wm firing in om ot tte otter ostanteo at tto ttaM ta married witness Thb Aad annoyed him btthough ata took step to that thb roMo wm fatab Bte had bread Un theatre to dsetsoy trimsrif owing to some family dbagiMBBonl She bad noticed become of Mn a very changeable dicporitiim ooreetisBa beta very eteerful and at ottee tlmre moeoam Tte jury returned a verdict that tbo doomsod out hi throat whilst ta an state of mind very Boob satisfy terself that during tto tort few weeks te tad very irritable Mr Dataon daughtre De Rix stated that tta dooMMd wm ot ABRATED WATERS AND BREW ING COMPANY Tbe ordinary general aneeting at Ita Ade laida Aerated Wotan and Brewing Oomrear wm held at the AogM rtreot offieo on riday January 80 when OouboUw Kiana peorttod over a moderate attendance Too dxroatons report ran thus Tta dinotass have ante pleasure in laying before tta shanholden tte bataMe oteet and profit and lm aooount fen tto half yea ending Deeomtar 31 1898 a fete profit cn tbe businom of tto oosapany tavtag teen reslissd and woo ft Mt foe tto unfavor able soMon your dinoton are confident ttal the amount of psofit would be much largo Tte result ot tta vesrture in sauea aad ptaktao tee been ot tbe most sneousagtag natosob tte small quantities made havfa*g boon eoadilr sold and your director! fori certain that by maintaining tte high standard at quality which ta characterised oar first maanfsetare ta these artidm a steadily fanisitag trade may be built up at remuneretivo prissa Your diteotars have to note with regret tte death ot a member ol the board Mr Mamy who hM bold office efaOB tte aereaiton ot tte oompeey Tte financial statement stowed that tto debit balance bad during tte past six montta been reduced by £18 Tte each fa oScn totalled £58 Tte ChaIxmas fa moving tte adoption of tte report and balanoe stem in ferred to the fact that the piokle ventaro bad proved sueoeMful while tte borines gonmUy in aerated waters wm oa the io grease month by reonth new house being oontinuaUp put on ttair books and what wm aaoro when co they stayed there (Hear hear) Mr BauiTT BMonded the proposition which wm carried Msre Klatnr and Oliva who re tased from tte board top rotation were re daetod to tta directorate to which Mr Tracer wm also appointed Tte auditors wore ttea re elected for tta earning term A hearty vote of thanks wm ttan awarded tta chairman of directors (Mr Klaum) far his axotioM ta tte intaserts ot tta oompray a ritnilar vote befa*g passed to tto board and offiom of tte oom pony After tbo conclusion ot the meeting oevwnl shareholders ware shown round tbo factory by tte chairman ot director aad tte reaaarw (Mr a Hamilton) Tte buildings ta which the mamfaoturing ol mueso and ptokfec con ducted are extenrive a feature of the pros adopted bring ite effisaey and slsoline Several tens of vegetable were observed preeces et eoakago and preparation Bataa qoently ite pasty adjoutusd to tbo eeoratnry ofbo where daring tte disoMsitin ot light rtfirsbtEfott many cMomtamt wesq paced upon tte manner ot wwkiog tta ostabtab meut 128.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.